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corak baru bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "corak baru"
  • corak:    pattern; motive; guide; blueprint; design;
  • baru:    anew; fresh; just; just now; modern; new; new
  • corak:    pattern; motive; guide; blueprint; design; figure; form; motif; templet; template; practice; shape
  • corak produksi:    mode of production
  • corak-k:    k-type section
  • corak moiré:    moiré pattern
  • corak warna biru:    shades of blue
  • corak warna merah:    shades of red
  • corak warna ungu:    shades of violet
  • tiga corak umum:    three marks of existence
  • baru:    anew; fresh; just; just now; modern; new; new type; newly; novel; freshly; in mint condition; only; only now; invigorated; unprecedented; undreamt; simply; refreshing; lately; of late; green; afterw
  • baru-baru:    these days
  • baru-baru ini:    lately; not long ago; of late; other day; recent; recently; the other day; newly; late; as of late; ultimately; only just; freshly; latterly
  • dibuka baru-baru ini:    recently opened
  • keadaan baru-baru ini:    the time of day
  • Coloring - update your usual image, add new shades to it;
    Mewarnai - perbarui gambar Anda yang biasa, tambahkan corak baru ke dalamnya;
  • The new livery resembles the colour blue of Argentina's flag and the colour yellow of the sun.
    Corak baru ini menggabungkan warna biru dari bendera Argentina dan warna kuning matahari.
  • Not all of the aircraft received this update as the livery was updated again with the introduction of the new name "Jat Airways".
    Tidak semua pesawat menerima corak baru ini karena corak diperbarui lagi dengan pengenalan nama baru JAT Airways.
  • A reception to celebrate the completion of the first painted aircraft with the JAL Group new design was held at the JAS M2 hangar.
    Sebuah resepsi untuk merayakan penyelesaian pengecatan pesawat pertama dengan corak baru dilakukan di hangar JAS M2.